DePIC at Visually-impaired musicians’ lives conference

We presented our research at the Visually-impaired musicians’ lives conference, which was held at UCL Institute of Education on 10-11 March 2015. The conference brought together a very diverse group of participants, whose activities are related to music and visual impairments. Blind musicians and audio producers of course, but also artists, teachers and practitioners working with visually impaired pupils, entrepreneurs working in accessible technology and researchers such as ourselves.
It was a really great and interesting conference and we’re proud to have contributed to it by illustrating our research in a presentation and by raising interest in our software and hardware prototypes.
We also demoed the audio-haptic Daw, the accessible peak meter and the Haptic Wave to some of the participants who got really excited about these tools. More on this can be found on the Goldsmithsdigital website, on a post by DePIC member Adam Parkison.